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Strategic Promotion

Over 159,715,667 views since we began in July 2011.

As of March 1, 2025, Seraphim averages approximately:

      • 54,323 average views per day
      • 1,543,481 page views in February 2025
      • 3,150,753 page views in 2025 (YTD)
      • 22,063,042 page views in 2024
      • 484,037 sessions in February 2025
      • 984,599 sessions in 2025 (YTD)
      • 8,408,395 sessions in 2024

The sky is the limit!

Our rates are among the lowest you will find.  Seraphim advertising is a great investment for anything from short-term events to long-term promotion.

We cover over 100 recurring events per month, in-store sales, and more.  When you search “Seraphim” (or any event we cover) on Google, you will find us at the very top.

We use technology to our full advantage. Whether Second Life™ residents are checking us out from the comfort of their own homes or from their beloved smartphones and tablets, Seraphim simply works! Our blog is easy to navigate no matter how you decide to read us, and we share all of our posts on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram too!



One of six messages across the top of the page per day.
L$1000/day – Boosted



One of the top two events on the blog feed.
L$2500/day – Boosted
L$3000/day – Boosted+



One of the top two posts each day with second push to social media



Prominent ad placement in two strategic homepage locations.
L$5500/day – top
L$4500/day – central


Most cost-effective, long-term advertising option.


The biggest bang for your buck!
Type Duration
Exclusivity Cost in Linden Pageviews
(based on April 2023
avg per day)
Cost per Pageview Views per L$1 Spent
Ticker 1 17% exclusive      1,000              71,900 0.014 72
Boosted 1 50% exclusive      2,500             71,900 0.035 29
Boosted+ 1 50% exclusive      3,000             71,900 0.042 24
Featured 1 50% exclusive      4,000             71,900 0.056 18
Top Banner 1 100% exclusive      5,500             71,900 0.076 13
Central Banner 1 100% exclusive      4,500             71,900 0.063 16
Sidebar 30 No exclusivity; see loyalty program      5,000        2,157,000 0.002 431
Widget 2 100% exclusive    12,000           143,800 0.083 12




Keeps your sale, release, event, gift, hunt, or other promotional item at the top of the front page, above the topmost banner, for a 24-hour period. This is the perfect solution for short-term, very low-cost advertising that will be seen by over 70,000 viewers per day.


L$2500/day – boosted
L$3000/day – boosted+

Your sale or event sticks to the top of the blog feed for a 24-hour period. receiving over 70,000 pageviews per day.  Boosted sales have a special add-on package available that a second push to Seraphim’s Facebook and Instagram accounts (over 17,000 followers).  Boosted posts are great solutions for short-term, high-impact advertising at an incredibly low rate.



Keeps your sale or event featured at the top of the front page for a 24-hour period and includes a second push to all Seraphim social media accounts (over 17,000 followers). This is a great solution for short-term, low-cost advertising that packs a punch.


L$5500/day – top
L$4500/day – central

Places your advertising image strategically in the most viewed portions of the front page for a 24-hour period. Banners are an exceptional choice for short-term, high-impact, fully customized advertising.



The most cost-effective, long-term advertising with click-through functionality and the ability to lock in pricing move up the sidebar through Seraphim’s unique loyalty program


L$12,000/2-day instance

The ultimate in promotion with a large image visible on the front page and all posts, custom links, and a short description for two full days.