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Keeps your sale, release, event, gift or hunt featured at the top of the blog roll for a 24-hour period. BOOSTED POSts also offer a plus option that includes A SECOND PUSH TO facebook and instagram. This is the prEmium solution for short-term, low-cost, attention-grabbing advertising.
Get Started Now

The Deets


Boosted salesand events covered by Seraphim appear as one of the top two posts of the blog feed per day.  Boosted posts come with an add-on option for a second push to Seraphim Facebook and Instagram for double the social media exposure (over 18,000 followers).  Boosted posts allow you to pay only for the days you wish to advertise.  Only two boosted posts are available per day, listed in the order of purchase and publication date.

The Nitty Gritty

  • Boosted posts are an impactful option to advertise at the top of the blog feed each day.   This advertising is a bargain for over 55,000 pageviews per day.
  • Boosted posts have an add-on option that includes a second posting on Seraphim’s Facebook and Instagram feeds.
  • Boosted posts are available only for sales and events that are receiving Seraphim coverage.
  • Boosted posts are effective by 9:00am SLT for the day of the reservation, and will remain on the top of the blog feed for 24-hours.

The Fine Print

  • Boosted posts may only be retained for events that are open and able to be shopped by Seraphim readers.  Please be certain your reservations are during a period when your event is open.
  • All advertising payments are due at the time of reservation.
  • Payments not received within 72 hours from the date of purchase are subject to cancellation without notice.
  • Seraphim maintains a no-refund policy.
  • All payments must be made to SeraphimSL Resident.  Seraphim is not responsible for payments made to avatars that are not SeraphimSL Resident.

The Bottom Line

  • Over 70,000 pageviews a day
  • One of the top two posts of the blog feed
  • An add-on is available for second push to Seraphim Facebook and Instagram on the day of the boosted post.
  • Boosted Post – L$2500/day 
  • Boosted+ Post – L$3000/day (includes 2nd push to Facebook and Instagram)

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Contact us for help deciding the best advertising package for you!

We are here to help!  We can custom-design a marketing and promotional package tailored to your individual needs.  Please allow up to 72 hours for a response to your customized marketing inquiry.

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