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Sidebar Advertising

The most cost-effective, long-term advertising with click-through functionality and the ability to lock in pricing move up the sidebar through Seraphim's unique loyalty program
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The Deets


Sidebar advertising is an exceptional, cost-effective, long-term, promotion designed specifically for brand recognition.  With click-through functionality and images displayed in a variety of formats, sidebar advertising is perfect for strategic marketing that increases in value over time.

The Nitty Gritty

  • Sidebar advertisements are the only promotion that locks in current pricing for the life of your ad.  Reserving today means that you will pay the same monthly rate, regardless of any future price increases.
  • Sidebar ads increase in value over time without increasing your advertising cost!  New sidebar advertisements are placed at the bottom of the loyalty queue.  As new advertisers come aboard, your ad will move up the list, affording you better and better exposure.  If an advertiser who has been in the queue longer than you were to leave the queue for any reason, your ad will move up in order.
  • Sidebar can be reserved for any type of promotion, but are most effective for long-term brand recognition.
  • We accept PNG, JPEG or animated GIF formats for Sidebar advertising.
  • Sidebar ads have click-through functionality to your in-world location, website, blog, marketplace, or even your Seraphim gallery.
  • Sidebar advertising is placed within 24 hours of payment, and automatically renews each month.

The Fine Print

  • Lapses in monthly renewal payments could affect your standing in the loyalty queue.
  • If advertising has been removed for non-payment, you may re-instate the ad but it will start back at the bottom of the loyalty queue.
  • Images and click-through URLs may change as often as you wish with no charge.
  • Changes to your image, URL, or advertising size do not effect your standing in the loyalty queue.
  • All payments must be made to rental boxes established in our designated rental area.

The Bottom Line

  • Over 70,000 pageviews per day
  • Ideal for long-term brand recognition
  • L$5000/month

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Contact us for help deciding the best advertising package for you!

We are here to help!  We can custom-design a marketing and promotional package tailored to your individual needs.  Please allow up to 72 hours for a response to your customized marketing inquiry.

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